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Zoning Board Minutes 2005/06/09
JUNE 9, 2005


A letter of resignation was received from Robert Mastin. The Board accepted it with regrets. He is recovering from a heart attack.

James Lyons and Peter Urbach were absent.

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 P.M. by Chairman, Peter White.

Dick Guyer will be voting in place of James Lyons. Bob Henry will be voting in place of Peter Urbach. There were only four voting members at the meeting.

MINUTES :  The minutes of May 12th were reviewed. On page 2, in the last paragraph on line 9, the words There was further  were deleted  On the fourth line from the bottom of the same paragraph, the side setbacks were 12.6’.
On page 3, on the fifth line from the top of the page, the sentence was clarified with the words, The attorney stated that the proposed house is a modest house and is not tall and obtrusive. Don Weatherson made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Dick Guyer seconded the motion. All were in favor.

COMMUNICATIONS:  There was a request from Attorney Susan Hankin Birke  for a copy of the May 12th minutes. The copy was sent to her.

PLANNING BOARD REPORT:  Roger reported that a Case concerning a 100 seat restaurant on the Woodbine site and condos was continued. There was a 2 lot sub-division on Beech St and Burkhaven Hill Rd. This was continued because of  view and erosion control  concerns. There was a lot line adjustment on the Meager property.
Roger also reported that as of  June 6,  87 building permits had been issued.

PUBLIC HEARINGS:  7:15  P.M.  Case # 04-63. Continued. Richard Geddes. Map #124. Lot #33. Variance. Art. III. 3:40 J. To construct a stone wall five and one half feet high within 20’ of the property line. 42 Piney Pt Rd. Sunapee.  Pierre Bedard is working on the requested survey. It is not complete at this time. Mr. Geddes presented the case. The road in question is in between two lots that he owns. It is not a public road. Mr. Geddes owns to the center of the road from each of his two lots. He had asked Tony Bergeron to write a letter to the Board concerning the placement of the wall.

ZBA MINUTES                                     Page 2.                           June 9, 2005.

A letter was not received.  This case was continued to July 14.

Case #05-4.   Continued. SDB Investments Inc. Map #107. Lot #1. Variance. Art. III. 3:40 C. Reduce the setback to Otter Pond to 2’ for replacing existing building with a slight change and footprint. 1373 Rt. 11. George’s Mills. Mr. Bowers presented the case. He wants 22’ x 36’ of living space on the new building. He does not like the existing lines of the building. He would  also  like to shift one corner of the new building 6’ toward the road. The parking for the building is in the State right of way. Mr. Bowers wants to add a second floor to the renovated building. There would be one apartment with two bedrooms and this will become his own living space. He plans to put a foundation on the lower level and have utility and storage space on the lower level. The lot is .64 acre.
Don Weatherson thought that the proposal for the building was good. Bob Henry was concerned that the property in the request is grossly nonconforming and is a violation of the intent of the ordinance. The Public part of the hearing closed at 8:05 P.M. Don Weatherson made a motion to approve the request of SDB Investments, Inc. Case #05-4. Map #107. Lot #1. Variance. Art. III. 3:40. C. To reduce the setback to Ottter Pond to 2’ for replacing the existing building with a slight change and footprint. 1373 Rt.11. George’s Mills. Dick Guyer seconded the motion. The motion was denied. Don Weatherson voted yes and the other three members present voted no.
The reasons for denial were , 1. The lack of clarity for the actual position of the building, 2. The proposed structure  would be over the water and  3 The request does not meet the spirit of the ordinance.

Case #05-5 Continued. SDB Investments , Inc. Map #107. Lot #1. Special Exception. Art. III. 3:50 I. Increase the roofline height to 22’ within the 75’ road setback and reduce the lakefront setback to 50’. 1373 Rt. 11. George’s Mills. The roof would be increased so that there could be two bedrooms upstairs and a loft for an office. The Public part of the hearing closed at 8:25 P.M. Don Weatherson made a motion to approve the request of SDB Investments, Inc. Map #107. Lot #1. Special Exception. Art. III. 3:50 I. Increase the roofline to 22; within the 75’ setback to the road  and within the 50’ lake setback. 1373 Rt.11. George’s Mills. Bob Henry seconded the motion. There were four yes votes.

Case #05-17. Continued.  Robert Evans and Anne VanTine. Map !18. Lot #50. Variance. Art. III. 3:40 C. Reduce the lakefront setback to 18’ for construction of a new building at 95 Burma Rd. Sunapee. The cased was continued because at their last hearing, they did not have the house plan. Mr. Evans presented the case. They plan to put up the new house in a straight line. The existing property line will be affected when the existing building comes down. Their plan is to move the new building 25.7’ away from the pond. The height of the new building will be 25’. The Public part of the hearing closed at 8:50 P.M.
Dick Guyer made a motion to approve the request of Robert Evans and Anne VanTine. Continued Case #05-17. Map #118. Lot #50. Variance. Art. III. 3:40 c. Reduce lakefront setbacks to 18’ for construction of a new building at 98 Burma Rd. Sunapee.

ZBA MINUTES                                   Page 3.                                June 9, 2005.
Don Weatherson seconded the motion. There were four yes votes.

Case #05-24.  Continued. Michael S. Brooks. Map #115. Lot #10. Special Exception. Art. III. 3:50 I. Alter roofline on pre-existing, non-conforming  home to accommodate 2 bedrooms. 20 Burma Rd. Sunapee. Clifford Richer. presented the case. Andy Pollari will be doing the building. They intend to remove the interior, move the 2 bedrooms upstairs and have a family room  downstairs and a full bath upstairs. There will also be a new kitchen and bath downstairs and new windows and doors.  The owner also wants to upgrade the septic system. Abutter , William Roach  felt that the case should not be approved unless there was a State approved septic system . The existing artesian well is 15’ from the septic system. and  right  on the edge of the road. The Board felt that they needed a diagram of the lower level of the property. Mr. Brooks does own land across the street. There was discussion of moving the septic tank away from the artesian well. The Board wants assurance that there will be only two bedrooms. It was decided to continue the case.

Case #05-27. Town of Sunapee. Public Safety Services Building. Map #129. Lot #36. Variance. Art. III. 3:10. To allow construction of a tower exceeding 40’ on the new Safety Services. Building. Sargent Rd. Rt. 11. Sunapee. Mr. Urdi, Architect , of the Dennis Mires P.A. firm of Manchester , presented the case. The elevation will be higher then the old town garage. The Public part of the hearing closed at 8:45 P.M.  Don Weatherson made a motion to approve the request of the Town of Sunapee Public Safety Services Building. Map #129. Lot #36. Variance. Art. III. 3:10. To allow construction of a tower exceeding 44’ on the new Safety Services building ( Sargent Rd.). 581 Rt. 11. Sunapee. Bob Henry seconded the motion. There were 4 yes votes.

The Chairman informed all case presenters that there were only four members at the meeting to vote and gave them the option of  continuing the case

Don Weatherson voted to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 P.M. Bob Henry seconded the motion and all were in favor.

Respectfully submitted:                                                    Date approved_______________

Edythe C. Dexter, ZBA Secretary.                        ZONING  BOARD Of ADJUSTMENT

ALTERNATES:                                                      PETER WHITE, CHAIRMAN

RICHARD GUYER                                                JAMES LYONS

ROBERT HENRY                                                   PETER URBACH

                                                                                 DON WEATHERSON